
Discovering Your Identity in Christ is unavailable, but you can change that!

Dr. Charles Stanley’s new series of Bible study guides features insights and wisdom of this beloved pastor and author. Small groups and individuals who want a Bible study that’s spiritually sound and practical will find a wealth of ideas to help them understand and apply the Scriptures to the real world. Each title takes a unique fourfold approach to get the most out of Bible study...

Our relationship with Christ is to be the inner motivation for our lives. It is to be our security and our confidence. So many people today are drawing their identity from the name on the label in their dress or the name stitched onto their jeans, rather than drawing their identity from where their name is written: in the Lamb’s Book of Life! We are in Christ. If anyone asks you, “Who are you?” your answer should be this: “I am a believer in Christ Jesus. I am in Christ.” What the Word Says Paul,
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